Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Setting Financial Goals

Many people who I come accross would love to set financial goals but have no real idea how to go about it. They then think that if they aslk someone to do it for them then that will be OK. The problem with this is that if you have no idea of HOW the person is developing the goals or HOW to get to them it is simply a great intellectual exercise. When it comes to finance nothing ever works out exactrly the way we think it is going to. A sure bet is impossible to find on an ongoing and sustainable basis. You might do it once or twice but in the end you are going to need to have a method that can deal with dynamic changes to you finiancil goals.
How many times have you heard of someone asking their financial planner whether the plan that was developed for them was a good one. What do you think the planner is going to say? Well I'm having an 'off day' today so I've developed you a substandard plan! You need to know how to question a financial planner so that when he or she makes a human error, which they all do from time to time, you are able to ask the right questions and get the right outcome for your particular circumstances.
What you need is a tool that is easy for you to understand, allows you to forward plan your goals, and then to monitor how you are going to achieve them.
This is what The Financial Fence® can and will do for you. It's a BIG picture of your total financial situation and web based so you can work with it from anywhere in the world.
Imagine being able to work out the building blocks to a better financial future, being able to communicate this with your loved ones, and also being able to dynaically change it whenever you need to. Sound too bood to be true? Well it's not. It is now available.



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