My Birthday
Today is my birthday and a chance to reflect what's happened in the last year. It has been a great year of development. During the year I have developed the website and also invented, developed and manufactured a board game called Where's the Money Gone? In the year ahead it remains to be seen how many people value what we have produced as we take both of the products to market and allow people to experience the thrill of finding out that financial literacy is not as diffiicult as it seems. A solid analogy and picture, along with colours and a simple methodology can help most of the population become empowered in a whole new way. I hope that people come on the journey with us to create a Where's the Money Gone community where people can share, learn, and discuss their money issues and track what they are doing in their financial world. It amazes me how many people are a little bit insane when it comes to their finances as they do exactly the same thing with them week in week out , month in month out and just hope that things are going to change for the better. Do yourself a favour. Do something different today. When was the last time you did something for the first time? And a piece of advice. Never be afraid of making mistakes. People who make no mistakes ususally make nothing!
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